A date to remember

By Roman Gerus Another Valentine’s Day has come and gone, and whether that time was spent with a significant other or a significant bottle of liquor is in the past now. The race for the sappiest displays of affection is over, but there is still time for love. For the first time, Kean University is hosting a speed-date in the […]

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NEWS ANALYSIS: Go wifi or go home

By Tim Awojobi Students, faculty, staff, even parents, have been making complaints regarding the wireless connection once stepping foot on campus. “The wireless connection needs to be faster,” said Mya Pierre a freshman biology major. “I’m not able to receive connection everywhere on campus.” Many colleges and universities have what they call, “access points”. Usually, this refers to multiple wireless […]

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Is the new freshman residence hall really new?

By Annalise Knudson Students dream of dorming at college, even at a commuter college such as Kean University. Especially with the newly constructed dorm buildings, interested students saw the New Freshman Residence Hall (NFRH) as a luxury compared to the older, standard dorm buildings. Living as a first year resident student at Kean, housing has had its benefits and consequences. […]

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Looking forward to educational opportunities: The dreamers have a place at Kean

By Sonia Aquije The Dream Act signed this past month by Governor Christie in Union City, New Jersey is a big stepping stone for all undocumented students. Although, it has been met with challenges it has attained enough public support from both republicans and democrats alike. The Dream Act is a bipartisan legislation that was first introduced in 2001, since […]

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