By Brian Konchalski

It’s October during a leap year, and we all know what that means, another presidential campaign season is upon us.

While this election season has taken a somewhat nasty turn with attack advertisements on each candidate, a never endings 24/7 new cycle, telling half truths, and one candidate sarcastically saying that Big Bird, from Sesame Street, is the reason why America has a budget deficit.

Despite all the noise that is being made by candidates on both sides of the aisle, there is a shining knight which brings context and truth to a campaign lost in half truths and outright lies. Frontline: The Choice 2012, gives context to both candidates pasts.

The Choice 2012, which aired October 9 on PBS and will be rebroadcasted on October 18 on PBS, is a thorough documentary covering the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney.

The documentary also covers, in great depth, the childhood’s of both candidates. The documentary does a very good job of highlighting key moments in upbringings of both candidates lives.

The Choice 2012 also highlights the political debates both Romney and Obama had to overcome to get to this current election year. It explains Obama’s meteoric rise to the top of the democratic party, and Mitt Romney’s rise and fall and rise again, in the political world.

Overall, if you have no understanding of why the candidates have taken the positions they have taken, I would highly recommend watching The Choice 2012. It has given me deeper insight into both candidates.

The Choice 2012 aired initially on October 9 on PBS and an encore presentation will be aired on October 18 on PBS.

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