By: Amori Cross-Faulks I Published March 3, 2025

The Kean Dance Team took home the second place award at Regionals in early February. In both College Jazz and Hip-Hop categories. Now, the club prepares for the National Competition in Daytona, Florida. 

This is The Kean Dance Club’s second year on campus. However, they are making great strides to solidify and promote their organization. 

Kean Dance Club wins second place at NDA’s regional competition I Photo Credit: Kean Dance Club

“Even if people say your goal is too big, it isn’t going to happen. Block that out and just go for it.” Emeral Neloms said. 

Neloms is the founder and president of the Kean Dance Club (KDC). She and other members of the executive board collaborate to schedule practice times, and performances to keep the club in top shape. 

The Kean Dance Club is the only student-led dance club on campus that competes on a regional and national level. This will be KDC’s second year going to NDA College Nationals in Daytona Florida. 

The National Dance Alliance competition is one of the largest dance competitions in the U.S. for high school and college aged athletes. Teams from around the country compete in Daytona to show their skills and rep their school. 

Vice President Marianne Da Fonesca said “[NDA Regional Competition] was just so refreshing to see, and to be able to experience this with the group of girls on our team now, it was just a really surreal experience.” 

(Left to Right) KDC Vice President, Marianne Da Fonseca and President, Emeral Neloms. I Photo Credit: Kean Dance Club

Marianne has danced with KDC for the last two years. She and her team are currently prioritizing their routines as well as the club’s outreach. 

KDC is the only entertainment club on campus that travels. Setting them apart from other groups on campus. However, the club receives limited funding because they aren’t recognized as a sport. 

When asked what the Kean community could do for their club, both Neloms and Da Fonesca responded with one word: Support. 

Gaining more support and recognition in both the dance world and the Kean community is a top priority for this club. 

Kean Dance Club will host their send off for their national competition in April. Along the way, they plan to hold dance classes, interest meetings, and other interactive events for Kean students. 

Kean Dance Club group photo. I Photo Credit: Kean Dance Club

“It was a student’s dream, a student’s ambition and all it took was a few girls to get it started,” said Da Fonesca. “ And now here we are.” 

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