Photo from the Indeed Youtube channel

By Tiye Bracy| Published by: February 16, 2021

Every year millions of people flip the channel to CBS just to watch the best Super Bowl commercials. This year was no different, the advertisements became more creative. Companies spend top dollar to obtain a 30 second slot on air. Many are eager to see which products or services are going to be promoted.

Marketing professionals look at commercials in a different lens. They look to see which brand got the message across in the most effective way. Did the advertisement grab the consumers attention? Would a person actually buy what is being advertised after watching the commercial? These are the types of questions marketers think about.

“I think Indeed did a great job to give job seekers hope and inspiration,” School of Management and Marketing, Assistant Professor of Marketing, Ming-Chung Han said. “This emotional and relevant message delivered well.

Photo from the Indeed Youtube channel
Photo from the Indeed Youtube channel

She further explained that the advertisement was relevant to Kean students that are out of work due to the pandemic.

“This ad featured the real people and their struggles to get a job, hard work and tears,” Professor Han said.

Ad Meter is a website that features the top rated advertisements of the 2021 Super Bowl commercials. The number one commercial was The Rocket Mortgage, “Certain is Better” starring actor and comedian Tracy Morgan. He targets young families that are shopping for a home mortgage that ‘pretty sure’ is not good enough.

Photo from the Rocket Mortgage Youtube channel
Photo from the Rocket Mortgage Youtube channel

“With surprising and comically terrifying scenarios that can symbolically resonate with consumers weary from the uncertain nature and impact of the coronavirus pandemic on people’s lives,” College of Business and Public Management, Marketing Professor, Dr. Valerie Vaccaro said.

Several commercials used various tactics to appeal to the masses.

“Many of the 2021 Super Bowl commercials used humorous ad appeals with unexpected fantasy story lines to gain attention and entertain the audience while trying to achieve marketing objectives to increase brand awareness and stimulate sales,” Professor Vaccaro said.



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