By Xierena Wormley
Kean University’s Master of the Arts in Holocaust and Genocide Studies is hosting a Genocide Awareness Internship fundraiser in order to support its graduate students with their work in human rights while interning with several highly recognized organizations around the metropolitan area.
Contribution to the Genocide Awareness Internship program will help elevate the standard of work for graduate students that are dedicated to the field of human rights, Dennis Klein Director of the Master of the Arts Holocaust and Genocide program at Kean said.
Donations will ease the financial strains that often make it difficult for students to pursue internship opportunities.
With financial support students can pursue active involvement with organizations which specialize in protecting children and families who are victims of politically structured derogation. Some of those organizations consist of the Advocacy Project/ Peace Fellows, International Rescue Committee, US Holocaust Memorial Museum’s International Tracing Service among others The Holocaust and Genocide Master’s Degree program is committed to combining scholarship and activism, Klein said.
The program offers students a dynamic educational experience which includes: a partnership with LLM at the University of Leicester’s School of Law in London, edifying opportunities to study abroad, interactive meetings with witnesses, activists, and scholars, and more.
In addition to those benefits, “the program’s dedicated internship program also offers its students the opportunity for direct encounters, but with the unusual potential for launching significant and rewarding careers. Students who graduate from the program are prepared and poised for careers in exciting new fields,” Klein said.
Kean University is one of only three institutions in the United States that offer a Master of the Arts Holocaust and Genocide program of its kind.
According to Klein the program was created in response to a report published by the Future of Higher Education which emphasized the importance of specialized degrees in order to produce modern world leaders.
“The program inspires the program’s men and women from the United States and from countries overseas to serve as experts in education and public policy, as advisers to global corporations and to museums, as published interpreters of genocide’s origins and repercussions, and as advocates for social justice in the growing human rights sector. Klein said.”
Learn how to support the Genocide Awareness Internship Fund by going to