Kean Ocean’s Connection Club is Officially Instated on Campus

By Elaine Amico | Published November 1, 2022

Founder of Kean Connection, Maggie Lambusta | Credit: Founder of Kean Connection, Maggie Lambusta

Kean Ocean’s Connection Club is officially in full swing and welcomed students to their first meeting on October 4. The club aims to help bring students across all majors together, and give them the opportunity to network, volunteer, and showcase their talents.

Maggie Lambusta, a senior public relations major at Kean Ocean, initiated the club with the hope that it would give students more on-campus opportunities. 

“After seeing the lack of clubs available on our campus, it was my idea to inquire about beginning a club that showcases these values,” Lambusta said. “Students deserve the opportunity  to create long-lasting relationships with each other and the community, to better their personal development and enhance our local community.” 

Professor Courtney Atkins is the faculty advisor for Kean Ocean Connection and believes that students at Kean Ocean should get the opportunity to set goals, and achieve positive outcomes with one another. 

Hat and scarf drive for breast cancer | Credit: Kean Ocean Connection Instagram

“Helping students find a zone where they can volunteer in the community, create fun events and moments, and build their resume with activities always makes me smile. It’s what college is all about, networking and learning together,” Atkins said.

Students at Kean Ocean feel strongly about getting the same opportunities that the Kean Union campus offers. While Kean Ocean is much smaller, students still have the same end goal of achieving academic success and making the most of their time here at Kean.

Kevin Woodworth, a senior at Kean Ocean also believes student growth can be fostered through on-campus activities. 

“As a Kean Ocean student, I would like to see more opportunities with clubs on campus so myself and many others can learn and grow in our school with endless opportunities,” Woodworth said.

Kean Connection got its name from something that we all do with one another, without even realizing it…connect!

“People connect and form relationships daily without even thinking about it. When I thought of the idea of a club that allows people to increase their knowledge and interests in different cultures and topics, I thought the word connection was appropriate,” Lambusta said. “Being connected will enable us to expand on our intellect over and over again and prepare us for the outside world.”

National Gratitude Month flyer | Credit: Kean Ocean Connection Instagram

Kean Connection already has two events planned for this semester, with many more in the making. In the last week of October, they are organizing a scarf and hat donation drive for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. For November, national gratitude month, Kean Connection is holding a tabling event where students and faculty can write thank you cards to anyone they are grateful for. 

As for the future of Kean Connection, Lambusta believes that the more people who join the club, the more opportunities it’ll have.

“Our number one goal for the organization is to allow a safe space for students, staff, and the community to join together to benefit each other’s goals, create friendships, and overall promote positivity and kindness,” Lambusta said.

For more information on events and upcoming meetings for Kean Connection, you can check them out on their Instagram page @koconnection. 

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