By: Adilene Rodriguez
Once again Kean Stage is bringing an array of talent for the rest of their 2014-2015 season this semester. The five different venues on campus, which include Enlow Hall, Wilkins Theater, and the Zella Fry Theater at Vaughn-Eames, serve as host to the various acts that come and go to Kean.
But when it comes to dance productions, Wilkins Theater serves as host. This spring, six productions are set to hit the stage.
Russian National Ballet’s Cinderella: The Russian National Ballet is coming to Kean on March 14 to perform the children fairytale classis “Cinderella.” The ballet company will be performing Russian composer Serge Prokofiev’s famed composition of the play.
New Jersey Ballet presents Romeo and Juliet: The New Jersey Ballet Company comes with their rendition of the Shakespeare classic, which they first premiered in 1986 to rave reviews, on March 21. Following the performance, the ballet company will also be performing popular selections from their collection.
New Jersey Ballet presents Sleeping Beauty: The New Jersey Ballet Company will come back the following evening for another night of ballet. Russian composer Peter Tchaikovsky’s ballet rendition of the fairytale will serve as the score on March 22. This performance will also be family friendly with storyteller narration to help children keep along with the performance.
New Jersey Dance Theatre Ensemble presents i Balli di Primavera: Performing i Balli di Primavera or “The Dance of Spring,” the New Jersey Dance Theatre Ensemble comes back to Kean on April 19. Previously here for a performance of “The Nutcracker,” the dance ensemble will be premiering four new numbers by choreographers Kate Skarpetowska, Greg Dolbashian, Manuel Vignoulle, and artistic director of the ensemble, Nancy Turano.
Complexions Contemporary Ballet: Winners of a New York Times “Critics Choice” Award, Complexions Contemporary Ballet dance company will perform on May 2. Spearheaded by choreographers Desmond Richardson and Dwight Rhoden, the Complexions Contemporary Ballet is known for their fresh approach to dance. Together with the rest of their company, the Complexions company challenges style, period, venue, and even culture to showcase their groundbreaking form of art.
Kean University Dance Ensemble Retrospective Dances with The Well Performance Project: The final show of the season will be left to Kean’s very own. The Kean University Dance Ensemble, or KUDE, will take the stage on April 10 and 11, with performances by Kean dance faculty, artistic director Luis Martinez, and guest artists. They will be performing a variety of dance genres, ranging from contemporary modern to jazz, classical, urban and ethnic dance.
To purchase tickets to any of these events, ticket pricing or for more information, you can go to the Kean Stage website at