By Alexandria Addesso


As Kean University students flee the Wednesday before Thanksgiving for their short autumn break, some opt for a less traditional celebration.

With less than a month before finals, some students seize the opportunity of having a few days off from school to catch up on class work and studying.

“I’ll be working on a paper,” said senior Gina Rohn when asked what her plans for Thanksgiving were.

Once a person reaches adulthood many of the childhood traditions that were once held close to heart seems to fade in importance. This is most evident in the winter holiday season, but now this effect seems to be coming a month early and affecting the autumn holiday season as well.

Due to hurricane Sandy many students in the tri-state area did not celebrate Halloween and with many problems from Sandy still persisting, Thanksgiving may also be affected.

When junior student Edwin Alvarado was asked what his plans were for the turkey loving holiday, he nonchalantly answered “Nothing.”

During these college years where most students are still in the early ages of adulthood, all past traditions are not completely forsaken, but rather are tweaked and built on and new traditions are made.

“I’m going to my girlfriend’s house,” said Rocco Contessa, a junior at Kean. “It’s the first year I’m not spending it with my huge Italian family.”

A similar story of adaptation of traditional Thanksgiving customs was also told by senior Adria Powell.

“I’m going to cook and then I have to go to work,” said Powell.

Whether Kean University students are spending Thanksgiving traditionally, non-traditionally or not celebrating it at all, all seem to be gracious for the few days off from the academic schedule.

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