By: Xirena Wormley
The number of people referred for campus disciplinary action due to liquor law violations on Kean’s main campus nearly doubled between 2012 and 2011, according to a report released by the university.
The Guide, Kean University’s government-mandated newsletter, revealed several campus crime statistics. According to the data, disciplinary reports for liquor violations increased from 170 in 2011 to 336 in 2012.
It has become more socially acceptable for students to drink in the seclusion of a dorm setting, according to Elizabeth Bracey, a senior majoring in Communications and a former summer resident assistant at Burch Hall.
“The cameras in the dorm buildings are always on … for alcohol or drug possession,” Bracey said. “I do see more drug and alcohol busts on campus than my freshman year [sic]. And the cops patrol the campus more, especially during the night.”
Although disciplinary reports for liquor law violations increased, arrests for the same type of violations decreased. One hundred sixty arrests for liquor law violations on the main campus were reported in 2011, but only 10 were reported in 2012.
The report also revealed that disciplinary actions and arrests related to drug possession decreased. Seventy-eight drug-related cases were reported in 2011, but only 32 were reported in 2012.
In regards to sexual offenses, Kean had fewer instances in comparison to other universities. Kean had one reported incident of a non-forcible sex violation on its main campus in 2012.
Montclair University had three forcible rape offenses, according to their own data, and William Paterson University had a total of four sexual offenses.
Reported burglary crimes declined almost 32 percent at Kean between 2012 and 2011. Reported aggravated assault and weapon possession each had one incident in 2012.
A total of 95 fire alarm activations occurred in the residence halls in 2012, with a majority of them being caused by microwaves and unattended cooking situations. Thirty-eight of those 95 activations occurred in the Upperclass Residence Hall, which experienced the most fire alarm activations out of all Kean residence halls between 2012 and 2011.
Activations involving cooking amounted to more than 40 percent of fire alarm incidents. The second leading cause of fire alarm activations in the residence halls was steam from showers.
Requests for a comment from Kean Police were referred to university relations twice. Two email requests to a staff member at university relations and emails to a Kean police lieutenant for a comment went unanswered.
In a message from the Department of Public Safety and Police on Kean’s website, the department noted that a majority of the reported offenses have been directed against property rather than against people.
“We believe you will find that Kean has much to be proud of in terms of campus safety and security,” the message reads, “that our efforts in this area are serious and ongoing, and that we consistently give crime prevention and the safety and security of every member of our community the highest priority.”