By Victoria Cifelli | Published December 19, 2022

Kean University faculty, staff, and students march at the Veterans Day Parade in New York City | Credit:

Kean University has been recognized two times in the month of November for their dedication to college student veterans. 

On Nov.11 in an email sent to the university faculty, staff, and students on behalf of President Lamont Repollet Ed.D., which said approximately 60 students, faculty, staff, and alumni walked in New York City’s Veterans Day Parade. This was a first for the university. 

“University Relations, especially Joseph Moran and Ian Alfano were very supportive in creating the marching banner and taking photos of the event. The University pulled its resources together, and we had everything we needed,” Vito Zajda, director of the Center for Veterans Student Success said. 

The process of marching in the parade on Veterans Day began long before the event took place; the Center for Veteran Student Success had to apply to march in July of 2022 according to Zajda. The center was notified two and a half weeks before the parade. 

Kean honors veterans with banners on lamp posts around campus | Credit:

“During the parade you could not help but have goosebumps as you watched people on the sidewalks holding signs, clapping, and waving flags. I saw a few Korean and Vietnam Veterans in uniform and I got choked up as they too should be marching,” Zajda said. 

Repollet is from a military family, with both of his parents having served in the armed forces. 

“I am now the president of Kean, a #1-ranked Military Friendly School, and it is with great pride that I lead the University in honoring our veterans and all veterans, on and off campus, today,” Repollet said in his email addressing the university. 

On Nov. 18, Repollet addressed the university again and said that Kean received a We Value Our Veterans Award from the New Jersey Department of Military and Veteran Affairs. The Assistant Vice President for Student Retention and Educational Innovation, Marvin Adames, accepted the award on behalf of the University at a ceremony that was held on Veterans Day. 

“The award means we are providing the best services throughout the State of New Jersey and Military Friendly, number 1 Gold Standard in the nation for a large public college,” said Zajda. “It is a pat on the back that recognizes the hard work we perform for our veterans and a standard we must maintain.” 

The Center for Veteran Student Success helps support Veterans with admission, advising, employment, recruitment, and tuition. The office provides support and seamless transitions from Soldier to student, as well as meet the needs of those who have served our country. 

“ [Our goal is] that we are living up to our mission in providing the most comprehensive transition services to veterans, service members, and to their dependents. We pride ourselves on the services offered and the support of the University and VA,” Zajda said. 

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