Kean University’s Open Year Event: Kean’s Got Talent

By Rosney Herrera

There is nothing more inspiring than seeing young people discover and pursue their unique abilities and interests to enhance their own lives and the lives of others around them. 

“Pathways” is the name given to Kean university talent development, which stresses students to gain access to the opportunity, identify and cultivate the talents they possess, and develop those talents to the fullest extent possible, all to achieve their maximum potential.

It is for this reason that the Student Government Association, Commuter’s Resource Center, and the Graduate Student Government created Kean’s Got Talent. All students who believe that they have something to show the world are invited to this one-day event. Students who wish to participate can scan the QR code on the flyers to sign up.

On February 25, at 7PM students showcase their talent at the event hosted in Cougar’s Den. The event was expected to host over 12 performances that comprised more than 30 students. Students participated in various activities, including singing, dancing, telling jokes and performing comic skits.

“Hri gallery Kean U” 1/30/2013 UNION, NJ | Credit: “Kean University gallery” by The Advocacy Project licensed under CC BY 2.0

The show judges included Jonathan Mercantini, the dean of arts, Adelaide university festival organizer, and Michael James, the drama coach. Audience reaction, Talent, and overall performance were considered while evaluating the acts.

When interviewed, several students (Joan Anderson, Antony James, Grace Gilbert, Delvin Junior, Michael Peter, and Susan Andrew). Most of them had positive remarks about the talent show, and some even quoted it as “the event of the year” . Those who were going to participate for the first time encouraged themselves with words like “every artist started as an amateur at some point.” 

“Set up Kean U” 8/14/2014 | Credit: “Set up” by Justin Morris is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Universities are great places for developing and nurturing young talent.Education is vital to ensure a child’s prosperity and high living conditions. Nevertheless, allowing children to find their strengths and encouraging them demonstrates that we have their best interests in mind.

The prizes include an apple watch for the first runners-up, a JBL speaker for the second, and an Alexa echo for the third winner. The talent show which is expected to take place yearly for students to demonstrate their abilities and talents. 

Talent is the most common way students learn who they are and become a significant part of their lives. To satisfy the requirement of the talent market, innovativeness has been undertaken from teaching programs students practice. These significant reforms have established a succession of course adjustments.

“Kean Talents” 10/25/2010 | Credit: “Kean Talents” by Elizabeth Schoenknecth is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The instructors also adjust instructional approaches. They make the most of teaching materials and develop students’ practice ability and invention ability, thus raising knowledge level and fostering students’ positively. At the same time, university success assessment has been improved to raise students’ learning interest, drive motivation, and boost learning efficiency afterward.

By creating a talent show, the university encourages students ‘ interests to allow them to have the ability to push themselves and carve their pathways. This year’s talent show showcased a wide range of performing groups on campus. It was possible to predict what would happen on the Shriver stage, but each performance was unique and exciting. A common thread running across the versions will be genuine love for the art they were performing and the culture it was inspired by.

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