By Dominique Vinas


The verdict on Campus trends is in and more eccentric then it’s ever been. With everything from funky hair styles, bright nail designs, to smoky eyes and red wine lips, girls on Kean Campus are mimicking celebrities and taking risks with their beauty.

Stars like Rihanna and Katy Perry are rocking fluorescent hair colors and they’re not the only ones. Here at Kean, the girls are experimenting and being adventurous with their hair as well. The brighter the better, especially colors such as blue, pink, and bright red are very popular around campus. What used to be considered “weird” is now the fashion norm.

Popular hairstyles include highlights, ombres and colored hair in general. It is rare that you will see a girl on campus who doesn’t have their hair dyed, one simple color has become boring and is a definite “fashion don’t” according to the Cougar ladies this fall.

If you’re confused about whether to cut your hair or not, Kean trends suggests you put the scissors away. Long hair with dipped ends or highlights is becoming very popular compared to last year when chopping your hair was in.

“You can be versatile with different looks and styles with long hair,” said Brianna Sanders, a sophomore. “Not everything works with short hair and it becomes boring very fast, not being able to put my hair in a ponytail every now and then irritates me.”

Another plus about long hair is that the sophisticated high bun look is in, and if you have a lot of hair you can really make that work. Straight hair or curls with a wand or iron are way more popular now than the wet curls or scrunched hair.

Every girl has their lazy days though explained Alyssa Trapasso, a senior. “I usually keep my hair nicely straightened with the flat iron, but some days when I’m busy and don’t have time I just put some curl gel in my hair and call it a day, I think girls are allowed a lazy day every now and then.”

For girls with short hair, extensions and weave are also very popular here at Kean including the interesting weave known as Brazilian Body wave (virgin hair).

“It lasts really long, you can wash it, it doesn’t shed at all and it’s only $140 a pack and it lasts for up to 6-7 months,” said Rasheedah Russell, a sophomore.

If you hair is dry, damaged and breaking, don’t panic. Wen Shampoo and conditioning system is all the rage.

“This product has totally transformed my hair, it’s so much healthier and it keeps the shine and I highly recommend it,” said Nayadira Pacheco, a sophomore.

Not only is keeping up with hair important, make up is essential. The four trending brands consist of Mac, Sephora, Bobbi Brown and Avon.

Mac, though high in price, is great mainly for their eye shadows and wide selections of eccentric and funky colors that are very in this fall.

Some students aren’t willing to shell out the extra bucks.

“Not only is Sephora cheaper than Mac, the eye shadow palettes last longer, the color is richer and I find their selection to be perfect for any outing, not just evening events,” said Nayadira Pacheco.

Avon has become quite popular among Kean girls mainly because it’s easy on wallets and their wide selection. The organization was known for their foundations but research at Kean indicates that most girls have stopped using them because it looks fake and unnatural, simple is better and much more pleasing this fall.

When it comes to complexion, two products for face wash that students here recommend are Biore and Neutrogena, very popular and great for all types of skin.

Girls at Kean also believe that nails are an essential part of their beauty. What makes this trend fun is that girls have stopped going to the salon and paying so much money for manicures, pedicures and tips.

Natural nails with funky designs and colors such as mint green and sugar daddy pink have become quite popular, and Sally Hansen nail strips are a new nail epidemic that is slowly but surely becoming the fuss. With no dry time, girls just need to peel, stick and file, and it can last up to ten days.

Tips seem to have fallen out of favor with everything from Polka dots, animal prints to favorite sports teams all being put on nails, creating a unique manner for girls to express themselves.

Brands including Essie and Sally Hansen happen to be very popular. Nayadira spoke out about Essie and swears by its greatness.

“They have every single color from bright to nude, even glitter; it lasts longer than other nail polishes and dries a lot quicker.”

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By Rebecca

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