Prism Meeting day and time Retreived from: PrismKU Instagram

By Isaiah Joseph | Published by December 22, 2021

Kean PRISM creates a safe environment for all LGBTQ+ students and even their allies and supporters.

When it comes to life in college socializing with different individuals and group organizations is the main ingredient to increasing relationships and building bonds.

Many students in universities tend to believe that there is no place for them on campus because they are very different from other students or they have a hard time fitting in.

According to the U.S. News & World Report 2022 Best Colleges Kean is ranked seventh in the northern U.S. for the ethnic diversity of different students, their backgrounds, and their sexuality. Everyone has a place that they are comfortable being in, but it gets difficult for people who have different sexualities than others.

Sexuality plays a huge role in life. Whether you are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transexual, or Queer, etc. It will alter your life in some way that can be bad or good,  but some students who are associated with the LGBTQ+ feel that they don’t have a safe place for them.

 According to the Consortium of  Higher, Education campuses create LGBTQ+ resource centers, programs, clubs, and events. Resource centers often provide educational services, counseling, and programming that promote an LGBTQ+ friendly campus culture.

This is where Keans’  safe place for not only LGBTQ+ students but for all students comes into place. A place where all are welcome and seek comfort and also to be educated on the LGBTQ+ community.

PRISM is here to create a safe space for all members of the LGBTQ+ community and their allies.

PRISM is a  place for people who have a passion for raising awareness, educating, and enacting change on LGBTQ+ problems. PRISM strives to be inclusive with all members of the LGBTQ+ community and allies.

PRISM’s President Kelisha Chambers and Vice President Rashaad R Couloote took charge in helping guide, educate and spread awareness about LGBTQ+ through the organization.

Two weeks ago Couloote was asked by a professor to come to her class and talk to her students about PRISM and what they do to help educate students about what they are curious about when it comes to the LGBTQ+ community.

Couloote gave students the rundown of what PRISM is mainly about, creating a safe space for not only students of the LGBTQ+ community but their allies meaning someone who is heterosexual but still stands by them as a friend and a supporter.

For PRISM to grow they have to make a name for themselves. They always are or try to be involved in as many events as possible that are offered on campus.

 “To get ourselves out there we go to events and set up tables,” Chambers said.

The most recent event they attended was the indecent, Forbidden, Taboo: Representing Lesbians in Fiction About the Holocaust/Nazi-Era with Dr. Emma Venables where she introduce the representation of lesbian characters and relationships in fiction set during the Holocaust/Nazi era.

As they continue to make a safer environment for the LGBTQ+ community here on Kean they teamed up with the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) to introduce students to their cause and how they can help make Kean a more inclusive campus for students of different cultural backgrounds.

PRISM also partnered with the DEI office on national coming out day by co-hosting an event held in the Miron Student Center Atrium for any individual who wanted to come out, thinking about coming out, or who already came out.

Couloote said, “We helped decorate the door to support  the students who want to come out, and we are there when they do.”

The importance of having a safe space for the LGBTQ+ community at  Kean or in general is to give people a place of belonging and to call their own.

“We are here to make a safe environment and have fun because it is wild out here,” Couloote said.

On October 1st PRISM held a drag queen lip sync battle for LGBTQ+ history month sponsored by the Office of Diversity Equity and Inclusion. For a night of fun, all were welcome as performers or audience to enjoy the event.

Chambers closed it out with one quote that she holds dear and that represents PRISM for what it is. “Everyone is loved and welcome.”

You can be more involved with the students of PRISM by attending their weekly meetings every Tuesday from 3:30-4:30 pm in the Human Rights Institute room 201. Every Friday they have game and movie night for anyone who wants to kick back and socialize with them.

If interested in more you can follow them on Instagram @PrismKU

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