Credit: Rebecca Panico

By: Rebecca Panico | Published on Dec. 20, 2015

Those accessing and KeanWise late this morning were met with a profanity-laced message that denounced America, France and Israel.

The message, which has been edited to remove profanities, read: “Do You Feel Safe ? Hacked by Red hell sofyan 2 nd time in 24 H F— Usa f— Israel f— France free Syria Free Palestine”.

Several students took to Twitter around 11 a.m., tweeting at Kean University police and the university to alert them of the apparent hack.

Kean University spokeswoman Margaret McCorry said that the university was “working on fixing it” and that “the proper authorities have been alerted” at about 12:45 p.m.

Credit: Rebecca Panico
Credit: Rebecca Panico

By about 12:15 p.m., the apparently hacked message on Kean’s homepage was no longer up and instead donned a message that read, “Uh oh…Looks like we’re temporarily offline.” By about 1 p.m., the homepage was restored and fully functioning.

A Twitter account, @RedHellSofyan, whose profile picture featured the colors of the French flag with a red slash over it, posted a Tweet at 6:20 a.m. which read, “Need to Talk University Server Under Control.” An earlier Tweet read “HAck Is Art : D spam Is More Then Art.” It is unclear if the Twitter account was related to the hack.

Additional information was not immediately available.

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By Rebecca

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