By Wynter Aiken | Published by Oct. 5, 2018
Graduation is a day that Kean University students look forward to, whether being an undergrad, graduate or transfer student, all the hard work has finally paid off. But, the question is-how do you get there? What are the steps? How is easy or hard is the process?
Before walking across the stage, the first thing students need to do is decide on whether or not they’re officially ready to graduate.
Student’s who are doing the process of graduating have to make sure their credentials are in order, speak with an advisor about credit completion, have all classes meet requirements and if attending graduate school after graduation, decide where to go by the application deadline. Deadlines are important though if needed an extension can be given.
All online applications for graduation can be found at KeanWise and if eligible, the Office of Registrar will send out an email. Students can also go to Admissions for the information needed.
Sound easy, well senior Shawn Garland, participating in the May 2019 commencement, started the process as soon as the semester began to avoid last minute paperwork and found the process wasn’t as easy as he originally thought.
“Getting to graduation was a long road for me, not only is the process overwhelming but by me having to work part-time, I feel like I’m putting in extra work and time just to get across the stage. There were even times where I had to drop a class because it became too much and that just put me further away from graduating on time,” said Garland.

Graduation isn’t just about submitting an application, it’s about putting in the time and effort in school work, meeting an advisor and making sure all credits are obtained because it all matters toward getting the degree.
All information regarding credits, transfer credits, extensions, classes and applications are available to students on KeanWise, Admissions or Advisement.
“The road to graduation is a huge deal for students and the process can have some complications but with the right guide, students can get through it smoothly,” said Garland.
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