By Dan Canova
As I’m sitting home on my couch and writing this final piece for “The Tower” here at Kean University, I can’t help but think about how fast my four years in college have gone. It’s a blur.
I began as an Athletic Training Major, switched over to Physical Education, and finally discovered myself becoming a Communication/Journalism Major a semester later; it was by far the best decision I could have made.
The friends that I’ve crossed paths with throughout my four years here, I cannot thank enough for the constant support, encouragement, and motivation they have brought me. With friends also come those who walk in and out of your life, and I cannot thank enough the people who’ve doubted me, and said I couldn’t do it.
I want to thank my advisor, and mentor over the last four years, Professor Pat Winters Lauro. Without her, I certainly would not have matured into the writer, and person I am today. Thank you for believing in me and giving me the opportunities to be successful.
Finally, I want to thank my family. Without the people who’ve been the backbone for me since the day I was born, I’d be spineless. I appreciate what each of them have done for me, and molding me into the man I am today.
Because of all of you, I eventually became the Sports Editor of our school newspaper, The Tower; I landed an internship with the Home News-Tribune/Courier News; and now I’m living the dream interning at SportsNet New York (SNY), in the world’s greatest city; I hope I never wake up.
Thinking back over my four years here, I’ve realized how many faces have come and gone, and now my time has come to say good-bye. It feels so unreal reading this over and over again, but to sum up life in three words: it goes on.
By Ryan Gaydos
The last three years of my life has gone by way too quick. I keep asking myself as graduation approaches, where did the time go? Did I make the most of my time at Kean University and specifically on The Tower? The more and more analysis I give to those questions, the easier the answer becomes.
The time spent in Union on campus working either on the paper or in the radio booth made my sophomore through senior year go by as quickly as possible. I know that’s what college does to you. The classes you take and the extra curricular activities you do are supposed to prepare you for life after you step off that Prudential Center stage. I think the professors who taught me in my three years at Kean and the students I have encountered at the paper have helped me to make the next big leap into a real job.
What the future holds for me next is unclear. Jobs in print news are scarce and with the direction of online media being as unknown as life on other planets, it makes the future a bit scary. Luckily, the tips from my Kean professors have helped me prepare for the unknown. Diving into the journalism pool is something I have always wanted to do and being on this paper and learning everyday about what it takes to survive out here is going to help me rise to the top instead of sink to the bottom.
I have watched students come and go and I have watched editors come and go and now it is my turn to leave. After three years at Kean and one at another school, I can fully say I have made the most of my college experience.