Departing editor-in-chief receives the Who’s Who Among Colleges and Universities award. Photo Courtesy of Rose Marie Kitchen.
Departing editor-in-chief receives the Who’s Who Among Colleges and Universities award. Photo Courtesy of Rose Marie Kitchen.
Departing editor-in-chief receives the Who’s Who Among Colleges and Universities award.
Photo Courtesy of Rose Marie Kitchen.

By Rose Marie Kitchen| Published May 6, 2017

The skills are many, but the words are few … “thank you” for a semester that I will never forget.

As I sit here and edit this last print edition for this spring 2016-2017 semester, it makes me realize two things. One, graduation is less than weeks away and two, that means the end of my time here at The Tower.

It is something that is bittersweet to me. I’ll be the first one to admit that The Tower was not where I started my journalism career at Kean; however, it sure is where I am finishing it.

Being editor-in-chief of The Tower was an experience, to say the very least. What seemed like an uphill battle most days, was still an experience that I would not trade for the world.

The skills I learned can stretch across the globe and the connections I made are like no other. Being at The Tower had a sense of ownership and it gave me something to be proud of.

Thank you to the spring 2016-2017 Tower staff for helping me pull together four strong issues. It may have seemed like a long road in the beginning, but we did it!

Another special thank you to Sara Ridgway, the incoming Editor-in-chief, that has been with me every step of the way; through every crazy text, email and vent session. Sara; congratulations, good luck and thank you; I know you’ll help lead Th e Tower to another general excellence award.

Most importantly I would like to say thank you to both Tower advisors, Professor Pat Winters Lauro and Professor Lois DeSocio. You both recognized my full potential before I could even believe in myself. Th rough every up and down, thank you for it all. Thank you both for believing in and providing me with this opportunity. Thank you for showing me what it means to truly love journalism and giving me a passion. There is always that one professor that makes a difference in a student’s life but I have been lucky enough to have two professors.

Looking back, I realized a lot. I realized that I could accomplish anything I put my mind to. Here I am four years later graduating from the school that I had my heart set on.

College was opportunity for me to do everything that I always wanted. I got involved on campus as much as I could, and I must say that it did pay off . The biggest accomplishment for me was probably receiving the Who’s Who Among Colleges and Universities in America award. It was an award that I personally wanted for four years.

As I move forward with graduation, I’ll always look back at my time at Kean University but most importantly my time at The Tower. Th is is something that I will never forget.

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