By Babatunde Dahunsi | Published April 5, 2016

Spring break is a time to relax, bask in the dazzling sun or sip on Pina Colada for some students, while for others, it’s a continuation of a rigorous semester.

Grace Wei, a speech language pathology major, spent her spring break preparing for two exams that she was scheduled to sit immediately after the break.

“If I didn’t have to study for exams it would have been more relaxing,” said Wei.

Students like Elizabeth Wicklund, a Political Science major, were busy racking up hours at work.

“I worked as much as I can,” said Wicklund. “I need the money to pay for college.”

For many students one week of vacation or time away from school is a necessity. Other students were able to experience a little bit of everything while they were on break.

“I worked at school for a few days, visited my family, and took a trip to New York to shop and eat a BBQs,” said Angelica Harper.

Spring break is seen as a time to let loose for students. Spring break for many is not necessarily viewed as an opportunity to relax and live carefree. Some students see the break as a time to work, and catch up on schoolwork.

Schoolwork still exists regardless of the time away from classes. Professors often view spring break as an opportunity to assign more work. This in itself creates a unique dynamic for a student’s thought process during time spent away. An underlying theme is the need to be away.

If a student does not completely stay at home for their time on spring break, they may plan a trip instead.

“I went to Africa on a trip, I just needed to get away, so I visited family,” said Ose Pius, a business major. 

“All I did during spring break was relaxed and enjoy my time off. This was one of the best spring breaks I’ve ever had honestly. Sometimes people use spring break as a means of going on vacation and even after traveling you’re still not relaxing,” said Henrietta Nwako, President of PRSSA.

The spectrum of diversity showcases student priorities. Some students that reside in off-campus housing stayed in instead of going somewhere extravagant. Others went back to their hometowns to spend time with family. The perspective for many appears to be that spring break is only as good as the opportunity.

“Yeah I went to my parents’ house and went out to a few bars and I also worked” said Ana Roberson, a student at Kean. While Aysia Peterson, a psychology major, described her break in one expression.

“I lived it up,” said Peterson.

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