Photo by Breanna Palzer Online class taking place.

By Breanna Palzer | Published by November 19, 2020

Many students feel that too much work and not having any stability is affecting their college experience. Some are also worried about future semesters and their financial situation.

“I’ve been having such a hard time trying to find a job,” senior, marketing major, Ashley Aucapina said. “I don’t really want to have a job where I risk my health but it seems like that’s all that’s being offered right now.”

Students are searching for online jobs but those positions are becoming increasingly harder to find, leaving them without jobs and income. Students who live in dormitories have not been able to see their families for extended periods of time because Kean is asking students not to leave the campus unless it is necessary.

Photo by Breanna Palzer Online class taking place.
Photo by Breanna Palzer
Online class taking place.

The Spring 2021 semester won’t be the same as a recent email sent out by President Lamont Repollet stated that Kean cancelled their spring in an effort to limit students going home and possibly contracting the virus.

“It makes sense to be honest,” Communications major, Ashley Winrow said, “I know people are going to want to go to parties and all that, so it’s a sacrifice we are going to have to make so that we all don’t get sick”

Another problem is the amount of work professors are giving during the remote learning experience. Several students said their instructors seem to be giving more work and much of it is unnecessary.

Students have been in an uproar, and even started a petition on, to get their workload lessened. The petition has over 2,300 signatures and so far nothing has been done about it.  Many students have said it’s the weekly discussion board questions and the required responses on the online Blackboard system that seems to be the least necessary part of their learning experience.

“I’ve had so much work due over the past two weeks,” communications major Aiden Gerrard said, “I’ve had two presentations, two research papers, and one regular paper. I also have to do those discussion questions as well, which just seems like a waste of time.”

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