
Photo: Creative Commons

By Vera Boateng

This time of the semester is taking a toll on Kean students as they scramble for availability in the computer labs, study in the library and purchase Grande Caramel Macchiatos from Starbucks to get those last minute projects in to professors on time.

“I am definitely feeling the heat from finals week because I am taking 6 classes, have a research paper due on Monday and a few final exams I need to worry about,” said Kelly Rebele, a junior at Kean.

We have all have had a similar story to Rebele’s at some point while attending school. What makes this time so stressful is students realizing that an end to the work load is on its way, while trying to stay focused on excelling in the classroom.

“When the weather gets nice I am definitely less motivated to do work because after having such a long winter, all I want to do is be outside and enjoy the sunshine,” said Jason Mendoza, a sophomore at Kean.

Kean professors also have a lot of work to do and exam grades to return to students before the end the semester.

“Faculty are reading 60 papers and grading between 100 and 120 exams,“ said Dr. Jack Sargent communications professor.

“I teach 2 classes and I have to grade 120 tests and read through a numerous amount of research papers before the end of May,” said Dr. Sargent.

“By focusing and reaching small goals with grading assignments, I am able to deliver grades more fairly,” explained Dr. Sargent.

Dr. Sargent teaches nonverbal Communications and has even planned to teach a Statistics class in the summer.

“The class I teach in the summer is focused on getting students to interpret statistical information, and to not be afraid of it,” said Dr. Sargent.

The end of the Spring Semester is May 18. Registration for Summer Session I will end on June 30, 2015. Registration for Summer Session II begins on July 1, 2015 to August 11, 2015.

For more registration information please visit: http://www.kean.edu/offices/registrar/registration-information/summer-session.

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By Rebecca

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