An apology email sent to the receivers of the acceptance letters
By Nicole Brown
Several thousand prospective students mistakenly received acceptance emails from Kean University earlier this week.
The email congratulated the students on their acceptance to Kean University, and encouraged them to complete the Federal Student Aid application (FAFSA) and apply for Kean’s scholarships. Additionally, the email provided links for students to access information on scholarship opportunities, and assistance from the University when filing FOR their FAFSA.
But Susan Kayne, Vice President of University relations, said the emails were intended to remind accepted students to apply for scholarships. Kayne said the University discovered the error half an hour after the emails were sent, and students who received the emails were contacted via phone and email.
“The University Administration deeply regrets the error, and has apologized to students adversely affected,” said Kayne.
However, according to reports on and, Kean University sent acceptance emails to students who never applied to the University. But Kayne said contrary to the reports, students who did not apply, did not receive the email.
The University said it has taken the necessary steps to prevent a reoccurrence.