Pavlichko practicing her anchoring skills Credit: Brittany Pavlichko
Pavlichko practicing her anchoring skills Credit: Brittany Pavlichko
Pavlichko practicing her anchoring skills Credit: Brittany Pavlichko

By Cody Louie | Published Oct. 21, 2017

Brittany Pavlichko took prideful strides across the graduation stage and locked eyes with the people she cared about most. A tidal wave of emotion crashed down on her in that moment.

From online editor for The Tower last spring to assistant web producer at NJTV News, this Kean graduate fought hard to get where she is.

Through three academic major changes, two jobs, two internships and full-time credits she confidently looks back at her time spent at Kean. Graduating Cum Laude, Pavlichko found a way to even have a social life and personal time as well.

“I reserved 30 minutes a night for myself to sit back, relax, catch up on candy crush and breathe,” said Pavlichko. “I also made my Saturdays free for homework and studying,”

No stranger to the trials and tribulations of a commuting college student and worker, Pavlichko got to where she is today through hard work and determination.

Credit: Cody Louie
Credit: Cody Louie

“To get where I wanted to be in life I worked two jobs, went to school full-time and worked two days a week interning,” she said.

Every story has a beginning, middle and end. Nursing, radiography, education and communication were the four majors Pavlichko studied as a student at Kean.

During her time as an English education major, Pavlichko became a substitute teacher in Carteret public schools.

However, as time went on, she found that education wasn’t her true calling.

“Communication majors run in my family and it’s in my blood,” said Pavlichko. “My cousin is a sports broadcaster and a journalism professor at Rutgers.”

After her switch to a degree in communication with a concentration in journalism, she found herself at home.

Pavlichko quickly got involved with The Tower and in her second semester participating she was given the position of online editor.

“When I decided to join The Tower, it wasn’t something that I took because I had to for credit,” said Pavlichko. “It was because writing and researching are hobbies that I’m passionate about.”

Pavlichko at work Credit: Cody Louie
Pavlichko at work Credit: Cody Louie

She encourages students to go and get what they want in life because nothing in life is free.

“Internships won’t just fall into your lap, you need to be the one to approach and pursue them,” said Pavlichko. “Apply everywhere, never hold back, give it everything you’ve got and never give up!”

In addition to internships, she explained that students should join organizations which assist them in achieving their aspirations. Organizations like The Tower, PRSSA, Student Organization and honors societies are some examples.

Her first internship was as a sports writer/blogger for SPORTalk, a sports coverage startup in New York City. Under SPORTalk, she covered games for the New York Mets and New York Giants in blog posts all from home.

It was a volunteer based internship, however, Pavlichko used it as a resume builder and a stepping stone towards her future.

For her second internship, Pavlichko found herself at NJTV News in Newark, a PBS affiliate where she is currently employed. She started off as a production intern which allowed her to assist with both pre and post production.

This assistance was not limited to the newsroom though, she was also able to work in the control room and in the field, producing work.

Courtesy of Brittany Pavlichko
Courtesy of Brittany Pavlichko

“I am proud to say that I am the first intern to have worked with the digital team to produce my own Facebook short,” said Pavlichko. “From the script, to shooting and editing.”

All of the pieces that form the puzzle of a live news broadcast entranced her while interning with NJTV News. She got to work alongside every team, where her input was valued and taken into consideration.

She even got to work the teleprompter some days and even practice her voice and perception as a professional anchor which she enjoyed immensely.

But things were not always as bright and sunny for Pavlichko. She spoke about her time applying for internships in depth and explained the strain she went through before landing her spot at NJTV News.

“I also applied to ABC and got an interview,” said Pavlichko. “But I didn’t have enough experience. I was at the lowest point in my life, it was like someone stabbed a knife in my back and I felt I wasn’t good enough.”

Even at her worst, Pavlichko showed perseverance and never gave up. She said, “There’s a saying I once heard from Denzel Washington, ‘You hang around the barbershop long enough, sooner or later you’re going to get a haircut.’”

Pavlichko knew one day she would end up where she wanted to be and it came to fruition in due time. The interview with ABC brought her down a lot and it was difficult, however, she made sure to keep aiming high.

Doing exactly that is what got her the internship with NJTV News. Even though she felt under-qualified, she applied anyway.

When Pavlichko got the call for the interview, she immediately started research on the company. In addition to knowing the background information, she compiled a portfolio of her clips from The Tower to bring along with her.

Courtesy of Brittany Pavlichko
Courtesy of Brittany Pavlichko

“This put me over the top, at the interview I was very nervous on the inside,” said Pavlichko. “But I displayed myself confidently and had the information about their mission statement, past packages and news to further back up my claims.”

Pavlichko explained that the internships made her grow as an individual. Every experience she had, whether good or bad, was treated as an opportunity to learn.

Looking back at her time at Kean, she paid homage to Professor Lois DeSocio, Professor Pat Lauro, The Tower and the Department of Communication, Media and Journalism.

She believes that they all contributed to shaping the person she has become.

There are plans for her to return to Kean one day, for a masters degree, with the goal of becoming a journalism professor.

“Life is hard, but it’s even harder when you’re not trying,” said Pavlichko. “You’ll look back on graduation day and feel inside that your work has paid off, thank yourself and start crying when you look up to your family. That moment will be priceless.”

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