Courtesy of Tori Brown

By Cody Louie | Published Oct. 27, 2017

Courtesy of Tori Brown
Courtesy of Tori Brown

Stemming off of a radio station tour at 94.5 PST in Princeton, Tori Brown seized the opportunity and got an internship which later became a job.

The tour of the facilities came to be when Professor Mitchell Canter brought her class to see 94.5.
Brown, a junior Organizational and Corporate Communication major transferred into Kean from Mercer County College this semester with her A.A. in Communication Studies. In this short time she has become integrated into the campus, quickly becoming secretary for the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) chapter.

Brown said that she had gotten there late and told her friend to relay the message for them to start without her, but, made it there just in time to join the tour. The tour was led by Promotions Director Tom Shinn.

During the tour, another student brought up the topic of internships to Shinn. Although most of the internships were for radio and video, Brown had asked about marketing opportunities as well.
To her surprise there were internships available for the marketing street team and she jumped at the chance to gain experience.

However, during the initial hiring process for the internship, Brown experienced a mix of emotions.

“My friends had internships in the past and they said they were strenuous, so it scared me,” said Brown.
On top of fear, anxiety started to set in when her phone interview scheduled for 1 p.m. came four hours late.

She watched the clock tick and tock while waiting on the edge of her seat for the phone to ring.

By the time 3 p.m. came, fear and anxiety turned into sadness. She felt as if they forgot about her.

Snapchat of Brown at an event Courtesy of Tori Brown
Snapchat of Brown at an event Courtesy of Tori Brown

To her surprise, at 5 p.m. the phone rang and she was filled with excitement. Brown got the internship and became a part of the marketing street team.

At 94.5, Brown worked events to increase brand recognition and community engagement. She got to work events like the Made in America festival in Philadelphia.

The marketing street team also hosted an event at a bar in South Jersey where they had video games and gave out a plethora of free swag.

One of the things that kept Brown proactive was her mindset.

“I hate the feeling of being lost because I feel as if i’m not good enough,” she said. “So I work doubly hard.”

She learned a lot about life and office etiquette from the internship as well. Brown also realized the importance of deadlines in the workforce and how missing one can hurt an entire day’s work.

Even though she knew she was going to be hired before the internship was completed, she kept it under wraps and remained humble.

“There are people that have been here before who will put more days, hours and work than you,” she said.
From her transition from an intern to a full marketing street team member, there were growing pains for Brown.

“As an intern in any area, you are not seen as a person almost,” she said. “You are a thing who will do any and everything because they know that you need this.”

Despite that fact, Brown advises future interns to stay hungry, get out there, build a sense of likeability and to not get too comfortable.

“Apply to more than one internship, don’t put all of your eggs into one basket,” she said.

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