The Tower received two awards from the New Jersey College Press Association at its annual conference and luncheon last month.

Brian Konchalski, who has served as The Tower’s news editor and editor-in-chief, received second place in Editorial Writing for his piece in Fall 2013 headlined “Stronger than the Storm.” The commentary highlighted Kean’s many positive attributes in the face of several years of tumult.

Dan Canova, the Tower’s Sports Editor, garnered third place honors, also in Editorial Writing, for his article titled “Sports offer the power of healing after Boston horror.”  His April 2013 piece was a passionate account of the value of team sports in reaction to the Boston marathon bombing last year,

This is the sixth consecutive year that the association has honored The Tower with awards for its journalism. The Tower has previously won honors for photography, sports writing, feature writing, opinion writing, news writing and general excellence.

The Better College Newspaper contest includes hundreds of entries from both public and private colleges and universities, such as Rutgers University, The College of New Jersey, Seton Hall University and Rider University. Professional journalists judge the contest entries.

The NJCPA is funded by the New Jersey Press Association.  The Tower is an independent newspaper and website that is run by students under the guidance of advisers as part of the journalism concentration in the School of Communication, Media & Journalism at Kean.

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By Rebecca

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