By Anthony Muccigrossi | Posted on Feb. 10, 2016
In less than one year, voters will await to see if their chosen presidential candidate will take the presidency. Among the ever- growing candidates for president, Donald Trump is the one to gain a great deal of media attention, due to many of the things he says to voters and to the general public.
Unlike many of the other presidential candidates, Trump does not have any previous political experience. Considering most Republican candidates have a track record in politics, the fact that someone who is not a politician just might be a good thing for our country. Interesting enough, a retweet by Trump stated that he is self-funding his campaign, which is different from other candidates such as Ted Cruz.
Trump brings a plethora of business experience, which is sure to revitalize our ever crumbling economy. Compared to the other Republican candidates, Trump was quoted in a Washington Times article stating, “As far as the salary is concerned, I won’t take even one dollar.”
A Businessweek.com article states the salary of President of the United States is $400,000. Should Trump get elected, our country would automatically save $400,000 in just one year.
It is also essential to mention the amount of stellar professional people Trump can use to build a strong cabinet and ensure our government is keeping up with efficient business practices.
In many of his public appearances, Trump is not afraid to talk about successful people he knows. In reality, we should bring those successful people to Washington, D.C and let them make our government successful.
However, it is not just that Trump has no political past that makes him stand out as a vibrant candidate. Trump’s persona and demeanor shed light on the rise of political correctness that is sweeping across our country. Instead of sugarcoating the issues that our country faces, Trump speaks his mind, often offending audiences by the masses.
While many people tend to become easily offended by the information that comes out of his mouth, Trump is entitled to execute his freedom of speech, a right that not one should infringe upon, no matter how ridiculous a statement he makes.
We must realize that running for political office should not be a job, but rather a passion. Looking at candidates such as Senator Bernie Sanders and Governor Chris Christie, they are among the many career politicians. On the other side is Donald J. Trump, a wealthy businessman striving for a positive direction for our country.
Instead of being easily influenced by the media commentators, it is beneficial to look at an attempt to understand the candidates’ positions and views on issues. With Trump, you don’t see a flip-flop candidate; you see a candidate that has presented issues and stances and has refused to change his position.
If you take a close look at our present form of government, it is in dire need of a major change. A change that can only be efficiently executed by one presidential candidate, and that candidate is Trump.
In the words of Trump, “Make America Great Again.”
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This isn’t exactly what I would call a convincing argument, but at least the sentence structure is clear and there aren’t any misspellings. The most obvious flaw is the spurious assumption that business experience translates into good governing. Government is primarily about the crafting and use of law to address problems. That’s why most of those in government are lawyers. One of the most important skills any President can have is the ability to inspire through personal charisma WITHOUT creating additional divisiveness. I’m thinking of previous ones like JFK and Ronald Reagan. Our current President hasn’t been able to do that well, and by your own description, Trump is downright offensive, which would make him a detriment in both international affairs and promoting a domestic agenda. This habit of immoderate speech, combined with an attitude of superiority and infallibility is the thing about Trump I object to most. It’s impossible for me to imagine him as a “public servant”.
Great Job , Anthony. Renato.
So the world’s number 1 economy should consider a mere $400,000 in salary savings when deciding who will lead the country over the next 4 years? I am pretty sure if it came down to that most if not all candidates would be more than willing to forgo salary (don’t they all spend millions campaigning?) Also, not sure “stubbornness” is necessarily a great attribute for a president.
We all have idealistic yearnings for a better government, but the system needs to be changed. Trump’s salesmanship appeals to a declining sector of American society, and his motives for running may also include the splintering of the Republican party. Politicians are generally untruthful about their campaigns (Lower taxes, Greater benefits) and Congress has done very little in the last 40 years. The buzzword for the 21st century is “Accountability”, but it’s all really about putting on a show. Jimmy Carter said the Government should be run like a business, and look what happened with his presidency–Stagflation and the Iran hostage crisis.
Why is it that we only get to vote for only 3 (two senators, on house of representatives) of the 535 congressmen? Why is it that a Supreme Court Justice is appointed for life (I wish I could have a job for life)? How come there are no term limits for congressmen? Why are congressional districts allowed to gerrymandered in such a way that most of the incumbents are reelected? Why do certain states (Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada) have more political power in the primaries than New Jersey? Why does the Electoral College still in place, giving power to swing states (such as Ohio, Virginia, Florida, and Colorado) and twice defeating the presidential winner of the popular vote? Why are “lame ducks” allowed to make decisions for 2-3 months after the election in November? Why are lobbyists allowed to influence congressional decisions when it is the voter that is paying the congressman’s salary? Why are these Political action committees allowed to fund political campaigns (in return for political power)? Why do the 200 political families (Kennedys, Bushes, Rockefellers, Clintons, Kochs, Waltons, Gates,Forbes, Murdochs, etc) really decide who is in congress and the White House (and we don’t)? Why is the national debt never addressed?
The political upheaval alluded to–The splitting of the United States, the demise of the Republican party (a one party system for the innovating nation of democracy), the possible rise of a new party (Liberterian?)… Stranger things have happened in politics. Our nation can only blame itself, voting for who is most popular, or just not voting at all. Huey Long, Brave New World, 1984….You reap what you sow.
“Instead of being easily influenced by the media commentators,” There is no need to listen to media commentators, it is enough to listen to the atrocities that come out of this clown’s mouth.