Kean Alumni launches his own music site

Nick Mojica, Kean Aluimni and owner of Photo Credit: Nick Mojica

Nick Mojica, Kean Aluimni and owner of
Photo Credit: Nick Mojica

By  Dominique Vinas

After graduation, all students are terrified about finding a job, especially if you are a journalism major. Well Nick Mojica, 24 year old alumni of Kean University, had experienced that exact scare after his graduation in August 2013.

While he was an undergraduate, he was a dedicated reporter for the Tower writing for the Sports and Arts and Entertainment sections doing mostly music or video game stories. When his graduation started slowly creeping up on him, he decided to get an internship. His Newsday internship started in June and ended in July, then for the next month he interned at News 12 through the end of August.

Both of these internships were unpaid and, like all good things, they had to come to an end. Mojica had a very hard time finding a writing job in the competitive field of journalism, so he decided to start his own free blog on and since he saw traffic was slow he decided to buy the domain and it became his official site,

He teamed up with his friend who wrote his own blog as well and who was pretty well known all over social media. Together the two of them ran the site and quickly the site became a hit and traffic increased rapidly. His partner would post songs and videos and Mojica would do most of the editing on it and he would post stories about music.

“One recent post made it to the front page of Google’s search results,” Said Mojica. “It was a post entitled ‘Are Critics overreacting to Jay-Z’s Anna Mae line?’”

When he saw this it was pure motivation to excel and he hopes to expand and grow to be even more successful then he already is.

Stay tuned for the full story that will be coming out in the next print issue for the Tower.

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