Credits: Yuri Smishkewych

Credits: Yuri Smishkewych

 By Yuri Smishkewych| Posted October 15, 2015

In case you’re feeling the fall doldrums, you’re not the only one: we haven’t gotten a day off since Labor Day and won’t have one until Election Day.

That’s seven weeks straight.

So who, or what for that matter, is to blame for almost two months of straight academia and being cheated of a much-needed three-day weekend this past Columbus Day?

The answer: Blame a late Labor Day.

“While traditionally Kean University closes on Columbus Day,” explains Kean spokeswoman Margaret McCorry, “the late Labor Day this year threw the typical schedule off.  Classes began the Tuesday before Labor Day this school year, and the University then closed on Labor Day, losing a day for Monday classes to be held.”

Although a federal and state holiday, many state universities like Kean—Rutgers and Montclair state, for example—also held classes as usual and some did not, like NJCU.

By sacrificing Columbus Day the Kean community does benefit: not only do we get Election Day off (which is a state holiday and, surprisingly, not a federal holiday), but also gives us a longer winter break.

“Rather than have students return to campus for the Monday prior to winter break, Kean opted to amend the schedule so students can benefit from having a full week off.” Adds McCorry, who also reminds students and faculty that classes will follow a Monday schedule on Wednesday, Dec. 16. And, that there will be no Wednesday classes that day.

In case you’re confused, you’re not the only one—class scheduling is tough.

“The academic calendar is developed to ensure that all classes fulfill the state’s credit hour requirements,” Said McCorry. “It’s a complex process and the academic calendar is somewhat driven by the calendar year.”

So do not fret, Election Day is right around the corner, and the only thing needed to do that day is close to home and takes less than 15 minutes.

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