Lyrics & Symphony on Mental Illness

By Josephine Carrillo | Published April 4, 2023

In a century where mental health awareness has become a priority, one would be surprised to know how low the rates for mental health illness treatment are in the United States. 

Music and Emotional States in College students | Credit: Josephine Carrillo

According to Forbes Health, during the global pandemic in 2020, 32.1% of Americans suffered from a mental health condition and substance abuse. It was determined that only 51.2%, females, and 37.4% of males received professional help while struggling with their condition. 

College students are constantly dealing with a significant amount of stress, maintaining above average grades in their classes, relationships, athletics, family, post graduation plans, work, etc. 

It has been proven that one effective way of dealing with stress and anxiety is by listening to music. In 2003, the American Music Therapy Association, conducted a study in Tokai’s Women University, on the effects of listening to music for their Journal of Music Therapy.

The journal communicates that when a person is experiencing stress, this stimulates their nervous system, causing cardiac output, pulse pressure, heart rate and hypertension.

Researchers said music therapy is a stress management technique that improves emotional states, since it raises energy levels, reduces tension and relieves depression. They also shared that subjects found relaxing music helped them decrease their anxiety and increased self-rated relaxation.

Since Fall of 2022, Kean Playlist, a music organization at Kean University, and it’s president, Liliana Carredo, worked hard to create a safe space on campus for students to share their thoughts and opinions on music.

“Music is more than a sound,” Carredo said. “I got into Tyler The Creator during high school. Hearing the intricacies of his production of clever word play sparked a light in me that music is a unique form of art. This ignited in me a passion for music.”

“Music is more than a sound” | Credit: Josephine Carrillo

 Although there are multiple reasons why a person struggling with a mental illness does not seek treatment, two of the most common possibilities are that they do not have the financial needs for it, and the other is the prejudice and discrimination towards mental health conditions. 

The American Psychiatric Association stated that there are three types of stigmas that can hold a person back from getting the help they need; public stigma, negative attitudes and discrimination from others, self-stigma, shame of themselves and their condition, and institutional stigma (policies of government or private organizations), which could intentionally or unintentionally limit the opportunities of individuals with a mental health condition. 

Carredo believes that music connects people, it helps create bonds, expands one’s point of view and knowledge. 

Her whole life, she was surrounded by music, which many can relate to. Music not only influences emotional states, but neuroendocrine responses. It has the potential to produce positive changes in immune and psychological states.

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