New Executive Board President Plans to Build Transparency

By: Davaughnia Wilson|Published by April 28, 2021

After weeks of campaigning and a rush of anxiety, Jason Pleitez was named Executive Board President for the 2021-2022 academic year. Of the 568 students who voted in the 2021 Student Government Elections, 53 percent of the votes were in favor of Pleitez for Executive Board President.

Photo taken from Jason Pleitez campaign Instagram page @jp.prez

Photo taken from Jason Pleitez campaign Instagram page @jp.prez

Pleitez is very involved on campus and is passionate about his work, connecting with students, and building a level of trust and transparency.

“As soon as I found out, I was just excited to get to work. I knew there was a lot on the line for the upcoming academic year,” Pleitez said.

Pleitez is currently a junior majoring in Business Management. He is on the Kean University Board of Trustees, where he serves as the Voting Student Trustee, a position that ends in May.

Pleitez explained that what propelled him to run for Executive Board President is the fact that students are expected to return to campus in the fall. While continuing the work he had done as Student Trustee on a higher level, he wants to ensure that all students are being represented.

“I wanted students to know who was representing them at these tables where decisions are being made,” Pleitez said.

Pleitez is an intern in the Office of President Lamont Repollet, he works for the Center for Leadership and Service, serves on the President’s Advisory Council, and lives on campus as a Resident Assistant. He is a Community Service Specialist, an Orientation Leader, and a gold leader in the Leadership Institute.

Pleitez expressed that working with students is something that he enjoys and is passionate about, which is why he pursues so many positions on campus.

“I have always wanted to build transparency, build a connection with all students. I need to also advocate for students who do not advocate for themselves,” said Pleitez.

Pleitez announced his candidacy with a very short yet informative introduction. He stated that his goal has always been to represent and voice the concerns of students to ensure that they are heard. He added that as Student Government Executive President, his mission remains the same.

Photo taken from Jason Pleitez campaign Instagram page @jp.prez

Photo taken from Jason Pleitez campaign Instagram page @jp.prez

He’s expressed that he wants to bring the Kean community back together and encourages students to get involved on campus. He encourages students to apply for positions on campus that hold a leadership role while bringing light to Student Organization and its many positions.

Pleitez plans to bring the campus back to life, allowing students to enjoy their college experience. A big goal of his is to have in-person events while also having a virtual option. He explains that everyone might not feel comfortable doing things at the moment, but he strongly believes that he is on the right track.

“I feel like we have had a level of disconnect, but within the past year, I’ve been able to see a lot, and I want to bring those experiences over in the new role as president,” said Pleitez.

Pleitez created an Instagram page when he started his campaign. The page is targeted at keeping in touch with the student body and for students to get to know him. It is his way of virtually connecting with students and letting them know how much power their voices have at Kean.

Jason Pleitez Instagram campaign page. Photo taken from Jason Pleitez campaign Instagram page @jp.prez

Jason Pleitez Instagram campaign page.
Photo taken from Jason Pleitez campaign Instagram page @jp.prez

“We do have a lot of power. That’s why we have to advocate for each other and with that page, I wanted to make sure people knew who I was, what I did, and what made me qualify for the position,” he said.

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