Sandy Hook Promise “Back To School” Ad

By Tasha Dowbachuk | Published by September 20, 2019

Logo of Sandy Hook Promise group. Photo courtesy of Sandy Hook Promise program website

Logo of Sandy Hook Promise group.
Photo courtesy of Sandy Hook Promise program website

On Sept. 18, an advertisement created by an anti-violence group called “Sandy Hook Promise” debuted the dark reality of school shootings in its “Back To School” Essentials video. The video begins as a light-hearted back to school public service announcement until a mass school shooting suddenly emerges.

Student praises his new backpack for the school year in advertisement. Photo courtesy of Sandy Hook Promise program

Student praises his new backpack for the school year in advertisement.
Photo courtesy of Sandy Hook Promise program

The video accumulated over one million views on YouTube and caused mixed reactions for those who have watched the commercial at Kean University. 

Fabiel Batista, a junior with a Psychology major, felt that the graphic video was “on the brink of fear-mongering and the truth.”

“I think it’s a complicated issue, especially since every state in the United States are very different about how they establish gun laws,” said Batista.

Kolawole Oderinde, another junior with a Psychology major, discovered the commercial through a friend who resonated with the commercial as an educator.

“Guns are a lot more advanced [in comparison] to when they were created,” said Oderinde. “So I think as guns become more evolved we should update the law upon guns.”

Student hides behind art class door with her new school scissors in advertisement. Photo courtesy of Sandy Hook Promise program

Student hides behind art class door with her new school scissors in advertisement.
Photo courtesy of Sandy Hook Promise program

Each of the children presented in the video display their back-to-school items as crucial necessities for the start of a successful school year. Two students praise their scissors and colored pencils for “handiness in art class” while they hide behind the door from the attacker with the following items. A female student ties the gym doors with her new jacket and states, “it’s a real must-have.”

“Sandy Hook Promise” is a Connecticut-based program which helps children in the event of school shootings. The program consists of family members of the victims from the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that occurred in 2012.

Student tearfully texting on their new phone, sending final message to parent. Photo courtesy of Sandy Hook Promise program

Student tearfully texting on their new phone, sending final message to parent.
Photo courtesy of Sandy Hook Promise program

The debate of gun control has sparked within the 2020 Presidential primary, as well as the discussion behind common-sense gun safety legislation. According to the Washington Post database, more than “228,000 students have experienced gun violence at school since the Columbine high school massacre”.

In a 2018 Quinnipiac University poll, the majority of Americans expressed disapproval of how both democratic and republican political parties are handling the concept of gun violence in the nation.

There is no information on whether or not the commercial will air in its entirety on national television.

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